Have you ever taken a yoga class that is absolutely packed, and your crammed in there like sardines next to other sweaty people, and of course the larger hairy sweaty dude is RIGHT next to you? Yeah, gross. That happened to me… and continues to happen to me. I know yoga is supposed to feel good and relaxing and centered… but honestly, it’s so hard to feel any of that when your crammed into a small room knowing that your breathing in other peoples air, and their sweat is landing on your yoga mat.
How often do you clean your mat? I can honestly say, I NEVER have. Well, at least throughly. I’ll spray it down and wipe it with some Lysol. We don’t even SEE how full of bacteria our mats can get. Especially with the global pandemic we’re in, it’s time to take extra precautions.
Yes, THIS is an example of how much bacteria can be on your yoga mat after you work out. Yeah, gross!!
Yogamop Kills 99.9% of Bacteria.
Yogamop is an anti microbial liner that you roll up and store with your yoga mat between practices. It so cool and scientific, it has silver ions infused into the fabric that kill bacteria and sanitize the surface of your mat while it’s stored.
Sweat doesn’t smell, bacteria does.
How cool and convenient is this?? It’s SO easy to use. All you do after you’re finished with your yoga sesh, is you put the yogamop on top of your mat, (there is a pocket at the top of the mop that you put the top of your mat into so it stays secure) then all you do is roll up your mat like you normally would! Within 24 hours, your mat is cleaned and sanitized! It cleans your mat so YOU don’t have to! (because of its antimicrobial finish, it stays clean on its own! – it’s recommended that you physically wash the yogamop every 3-6 months. Directions are included! ) Wow, and you really didn’t do much! Sounds like the best cleaning gig ever!
If you want to be clean and be lean, please go get yourself one of these mats. There is a ton more information on their website and instagram to be in the know.
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