I wasn’t a jewelry person, until Forever 21.
If you’re looking for good quality jewelry for a decent price, Forever21 is the place for you! I’ve seen so many similar necklaces at outrages prices, and I figured, why spend the ridiculous price when I can buy an exact replica for more than half the price. Of course, you always need to weed out the obvious cheep looking ones, but for the most part I’ve had great luck with purchasing online and returning, and browsing in store.
This light pull over sweater is also from F21 and is incredibly comfortable.
The necklace set is fantastic because some of the sets actually come with only clasp so you don’t have to worry about clasping several necklaces.
The belt is actually from SHEIN, and that will be another article I’ll write, because I honest to God love SHEIN! I couldn’t find the exact belt so I linked some other belts similar to it!
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