I didn’t always look this way, and if we’re being honest here, I for SURE don’t look like this now after being quarantined for two months. IG is about being “the best”, unfortunately, and at one point in my life (when I was 24) I strived for that. I always had a pretty athletic physique, but it was kinda mushy. I would look at other girls online who were fitness models/competitors and I was like… “I can do that!!” So, I signed myself up for my first NPC fitness competition, trained super hard and got in the best shape of my life. I continued to compete for 3-4 years and took home three top 5 trophies. which you can see here and here.
The truth is, if fitness isn’t your “life” it’s hard to maintain that.
Yeah, it’s a “lifestyle” but I fucking love food y’all.
The photos above (and left) were taken last November. I was surprised I even looked this good, and to be honest I haven’t looked this good since. It’s been SUCH a struggle turning 30, and not being able to go to the gym. ( I was so determined to get into similar shape before my wedding going into my 30’s… and I was doing well, until covid…
When I was competing I was around 115lbs, pretty lean w/ muscle. (about 10% body fat)
Above, I was probably 120lbs, w/ less muscle. (maybe average body fat)
NOW, this photo…
I’m almost 130lb w/ very little muscle, hella muffin top and cottage cheese cheeks 😂. I share it with you because most people only show the best, not the worst- and even the best have their worst. I put on a swimsuit and was like.. oh my god, it barely fit over my bottom half. It’s been difficult, because I constantly compare myself to my fitness body I had before. Being on social media doesn’t help, because the moment you gain a pound, there’s always that troll that notices… so you feel the need to keep up w/ your best self ( plus, being 5’3”, one pound SHOWS on me).
It’s like the Freshman 15… but Covid 19..
For someone that has never competed, I usually get the, “You look great! You’re crazy!” But in my mind, I’m like, “You have NO idea what I looked like!!!” Yes, y’all are probably right, but once you’ve competed, it’s a hard body dysmorphia to break out of… which is something I’ve probably always had.
I go back and forth between… ” I need to watch what I’m eating and DO something…” and ” When will I ever get this time back, I should enjoy this break.” And honestly, I think that’s OK! If there is a healthy balance, you’re solid. After all, we are all only human.
Ways I like to feel FIT during quarantine:
- Workout: If you don’t already know, Pamela Reif on YouTube has AMAZING at home work outs.
- Limit Drinking: put down those white claws, those ad up!
- Meal Prep: cooking is fun and now you have time to do it! (I’ll be posting another blog about what I cook to meal prep.) SIDE BAR: I also LOVE Fitmark Bags, which cater to transporting meal preps in a fashionable and cool way. If you’re interested, you can get 15% off with my code ALEXFIT (they were my savior during competitions and I still use today on hikes and outdoor activities).
- DRINK LOTS OF WATER: you’re probably dehydrated, and you don’t even know it! and by lots, I mean half a gallon to a gallon a day! (it’s harder than it looks!)
- Smaller portions, Spread out: the best way I lost weight and sped my metabolism up was eating every 2-3 hours, small light meals. Don’t eat after 9pm! (put down the Doritos… only on Saturdays! 😉 )
So whether you’re a former competitor, or simply living like a king during quarantine- don’t stress about your body… you will get back! You look beautiful and I want to make a strong assumption that MOST people are feeling the exact same way that we are now.
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